Sunday, February 17, 2008

what's new?

j'ai de la chance, let's just say that.

where we ate lunch

mmm karen and i with squished sandwiches!

taking a break on a blue

this is where we took the break...imagine falling down that...
I guess I haven't given a general overview lately...My old Mexican roommate, Pilar, moved out, and a girl named Cristin moved in about 2 weeks ago, and she goes to Westpoint. Another girl from Westpoint moved into the house across the street, along with a British girl, who is really fun. It's nice to have a tiny population of study-abroaders here in our little suburb of Tassin...

I finally got all of my classes figured out, and I will now being taking an Avant-garde art history, an International Finance (both in English), a geographie of the EU in french, a French as a Foreign Language class, and a translation class. I think my favorites are my EU class and the translation class. I'm meeting people from all over the US and mainly the UK, New Zealand and Australia.

Anyways, I'm nearly done planning my upcoming one-week long trip to Ireland, London, and Paris! I'm flying into Dublin next Saturday and staying there until for 4 nights in the Brewery Hostel (evidently it's right next to the Guiness storehouse) and then flying to London for 2 nights (staying with the cousin of a friend), then going to Paris for the weekend to meet my friend Josh from home (staying in an apartment that a friend's family rented out). I'm SO excited to be going back to (one) of my homeland(s)! Not really sure what all we'll be doing, but i think it'll be great!

As for this past weekend, what the pictures are from, me and 6 others went skiing in the alps! We skied at Les Carroz, which appears to be right on the Italian border. For only 35 euro we were able to take a bus which gave us a ski pass and skied all day. Unfortunately we had to get up at 4 to be there on time, and now I've never been so tired and sore in my life, but I don't regret it at all! The scenery was breathtaking, and I've never felt more like I was in a dream than then...I ended up improving a bit and went on some blues by the end of the day. All in all we had a great time though! Now just 6 days till Ireland....


s/doss said...

incredibly jealous now. thanks.

eliot said...

i agree with sarah. please post pictures of you doing lots of work and being stuck in front of a computer or something next.

mully86 said...

I am living through you my dear.

PS: please post picks of Guinness ;)